Many thanks for your cooperation.

•  Please do clean all surfaces that you and the client(s) have touched (specifically door handles and furniture) using wipes provided in each clinic room. There is also hand sanitiser available for you and clients.

•  Please ensure a window is open at all times in your clinic room to ensure adequate ventilation.

•  Masks are required for walking around the main clinic area (toilet, kitchen, waiting area) but can be taken off in therapy and when working alone.

•  Although we aim to offer clients drinks/water in the long term, unfortunately this is not possible at this time. •  We advise clients to bring their own bottle of water to each session.

•  The toilets will be open to you. Please clean down with disinfectant wipes after each use. Clients are not to use toilets unless absolutely necessary. Again, please clean after their use. These are located in the toilets.

•  Clients are to be asked not to arrive early for their sessions. The door to the clinic is always locked so they will not be able to use the waiting area.

•  When clients arrive, please greet them at the door, asking them the covid policy questions (separate document we will send to you). It is at your discretion where the questions are asked, ideally before entering the building, but we acknowledge that the situation/weather etc may not allow for this.

•  It is imperative that you make a note of these questions being asked. Your record of this should be put at the top of their session notes. It can simply be something along the lines of “Covid questions asked and answers given pose no risk”.

•  Lastly, if you have any concerns about your own health or are displaying any symptoms of covid, please do inform Jo/Becky and cancel all face-to-face sessions, switching to online therapy if/where possible.

We would like to ask for your help in keeping Fern House compliant with health and safety guidelines, specifically relating to Covid.  As such, we have put the following in place to help guide and protect you when working in our clinic rooms.

Please may we respectfully request that the following is adhered to:

For Clinicians Renting The Therapy Rooms

Covid-19 Policy


If you would like the opportunity to work with Collective Psychology, please contact Dr Jo Douglas at the email address:

Cancellation Policy

All booking cancellations by you are subject to a 48 hour cancellation policy whereby a full rental fee will be charged if less than 48 hours’ notice is given to cancel an booking.

For block bookings please give one months’ notice if you wish to end your regular room booking arrangement.